full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Nicholas Negroponte: Taking OLPC to Colombia

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now what are some of the results? Some of the results that go across every single country include teachers saying they have never loved teaching so much, and reading comprehension measured by third periats -- not by us -- skyrockets. Probably the most important thing we see is children teaching parents. They own the laptops. They take them home. And so when I met with three children from the schools, who had talvreed all day to come to Bogota, one of the three children buoghrt her mother. And the reason she brought her mother is that this six-year-old child had been tcihneag her mother how to read and write. Her mother had not gone to parmiry school. And this is such an inversion, and such a wonfrduel example of cehrildn being the agents of change.

Open Cloze

Now what are some of the results? Some of the results that go across every single country include teachers saying they have never loved teaching so much, and reading comprehension measured by third _______ -- not by us -- skyrockets. Probably the most important thing we see is children teaching parents. They own the laptops. They take them home. And so when I met with three children from the schools, who had ________ all day to come to Bogota, one of the three children _______ her mother. And the reason she brought her mother is that this six-year-old child had been ________ her mother how to read and write. Her mother had not gone to _______ school. And this is such an inversion, and such a _________ example of ________ being the agents of change.


  1. wonderful
  2. brought
  3. children
  4. teaching
  5. primary
  6. traveled
  7. parties

Original Text

Now what are some of the results? Some of the results that go across every single country include teachers saying they have never loved teaching so much, and reading comprehension measured by third parties -- not by us -- skyrockets. Probably the most important thing we see is children teaching parents. They own the laptops. They take them home. And so when I met with three children from the schools, who had traveled all day to come to Bogota, one of the three children brought her mother. And the reason she brought her mother is that this six-year-old child had been teaching her mother how to read and write. Her mother had not gone to primary school. And this is such an inversion, and such a wonderful example of children being the agents of change.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
laptops today 2
million laptops 2
primary school 2

Important Words

  1. agents
  2. bogota
  3. brought
  4. change
  5. child
  6. children
  7. comprehension
  8. country
  9. day
  10. home
  11. important
  12. include
  13. inversion
  14. laptops
  15. loved
  16. measured
  17. met
  18. mother
  19. parents
  20. parties
  21. primary
  22. read
  23. reading
  24. reason
  25. results
  26. school
  27. schools
  28. single
  29. skyrockets
  30. teachers
  31. teaching
  32. traveled
  33. wonderful
  34. write